Our experienced hair stylists and colorists talk about about things you should know (or do!) before booking your next salon appointment:

“ Communication is most important- but once we know client likes and dislikes, I’d like clients to feel comfortable enough to give us some creative control, relax and enjoy the appointment! “
– Collette Welch, hair stylist, color specialist, extension artist – Relax, she’s in control.
– Collette Welch, hair stylist, color specialist, extension artist – Relax, she’s in control.
“ I want clients to know that many of the hair photos they bring us from magazines and websites have been Photoshopped! So we have to work with reality. But once we establish want a client wants, correct color choices are very important to complement eye color and skin tone. Also, we can make style adjustments for face shapes. ”
– JB Bergeron, hair stylist, color specialist – Photoshop radar set to high!
– JB Bergeron, hair stylist, color specialist – Photoshop radar set to high!
“I’d tell a new client to come prepared for one of my famous shampoos! You’ll still get a proper head massage from me at the shampoo bowl. That’s what we were taught in school and a client should expect that level of service when visiting a high end salon.”
-Irina Bartman, hair stylist, color specialist- Client head massage devotee
-Irina Bartman, hair stylist, color specialist- Client head massage devotee
“We don’t have a magic wand. Its important to have realistic expectations. Some color services can’t be achieved in one visit and sometimes shouldn’t be attempted at all if the hair’s health is compromised from years of other chemical or color services. ”
– Caitlin De Garmo, hair stylist, color specialist, salon educator -Not a fairy godmother
– Caitlin De Garmo, hair stylist, color specialist, salon educator -Not a fairy godmother
“Hair color requires maintenance due to regrowth at the roots. When clients commit to a dramatic color change or are covering gray, they should be prepared for regular touch-up visits. Every client is different and hair growth can vary. Some of my clients do okay with six or more weeks between appointments while others prefer re-touches at three weeks.”
– Brad Morse, hair stylist, color specialist- Protector of your hair color secrets
– Brad Morse, hair stylist, color specialist- Protector of your hair color secrets
“Please don’t get impatient before your next booked appointment and cut your own bangs. Pop by the salon and if I’m available, I’ll trim them between appointments. No more butchered bangs, please!”
-Brandy Antunez, hair stylist, color specialist- Ending bad bang behavior in her lifetime
-Brandy Antunez, hair stylist, color specialist- Ending bad bang behavior in her lifetime